Gran Turismo (GT) is a Japanese collection of racing simulation computer game developed by Polyphony Digital. Created for PlayStation systems, Gran Turismo games are intended to replicate the appearance and also efficiency of a big choice of automobiles, most of which are qualified reproductions of real-world cars. Since the franchise's launching in 1997, over 80 million devices have been offered worldwide for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Portable, making it the greatest marketing video game franchise business under the PlayStation brand name.
Eurogamer has published an interview with the Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi. It returns the head behind Polyphony Digital numerous details of the upcoming racing game Gran Turismo 7 .
For example, Yamauchi confirmed that the damage modeling system in Gran Turismo 7 will meet more or less of Gran Turismo Sport from 2017, but with some improvements.
Basically, it's the same as in Gran Turismo sport, just the way it is expressed is a bit better in comparison, says Yamauchi.
Cross Gene Play and Controller Features
In conversation with Eurogamer , the question has also been asked whether the multiplayer will enable common playing of both generations of PlayStation consoles - ie cross-gene play. This question was answered with a brief but clear yes .
Not every buyer of Gran Turismo 7 will grow a steering wheel. But even with the dualSense controller, the racing game should make a good figure. In addition to the support of the adaptive triggers and the haptic feedback, Yamauchi in the interview mainly raised precision, which now has the controller. According to his assessment, a steering wheel can be replaced with it.
Things like the use of the adaptive triggers to replicate the vibrations of the ABS when it works - such gimmicks are one thing. What is more important to me is the precision of the control that allows the new controller. Previously, there were things that could really only be done with a steering wheel controller. But now you should be able to do everything with a dualSense controller, what you can do with a steering wheel controller, says Yamauchi.
Also, features should return from older games. In addition, there are ideas for new things that can not be spoken.
RayTracing restricted
In a conversation with the Japanese website Game Watch in turn, Yamauchi revealed that Raytracing is only supported for repetitions and in the garage for the time being: Until further, you can also select RayTracing in the repetition during the game. And in the garage you can then see the Stage demo and the image with applied raytracing.
In a conversation with GT Planet , Yamauchi also confirmed that the game will have a more natural driving physics, which should be better than that in GT Sport . Some of the best Gran Turismo players in the world have helped polyphony to improve the physics engine of the game.
What the driving physics is concerned, so we have developed the game in the last 25 years. In GT7 you will find that the precision has increased. I also think that one will feel more natural, even more than in GT sports, says Yamauchi.
Information about the weather system
Also, Gran Turismo 7 will receive dynamic weather conditions that will affect the gameplay in any way. But there are also restrictions: We have no system to simulate the amount of rubber that lies on the track. But we have a simulation where the rain creates a water level on the track. When a car drives over it, it will splash to the side, so the racetracks dry there faster than the other parts of the route.
That's something simulated and accordingly affecting the grip of the route when time passes and the route starts to dry at different locations. The air temperature, the humidity and the temperature of the road surface are also influenced by these weather changes, it continues to say.
Other messages to Gran Turismo 7:
Singleplayer requires a permanent Internet connection Cars, campaign, weather and more - pictures and details
Gran Turismo 7 is expected to be launched on March 4, 2022 for PS4 and PS5. Sony previously confirmed in a PlayStation blog post that the single player's single player's campaign will require an internet connection.
The Gran Turismo series has sold over 80 million times worldwide since its start in 1997 and is therefore the first-selling First Party Series of Sony. More about Gran Turismo 7 Leaders in our topic overview.
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