Action Adventure Series, Crystal Dynamics and Lidos Montreal Development Action Adventure Series 3 works at the Epic Games Store, Life of the Comrades: 20 Year Celebration Shadow of the Comrades Definitive Edition Distribution has been started for a limited time until 1:00 am January 7, 2022.
Comrades is a work that is the main character Lara Croft that challenges the ruins around the world, which is released in 1996.
The setting etc. to be distributed this time were changed, and the reboot three-part from 2013, which has been started from 1, is a version including additional download content.
This year's holiday sale last free distribution This time, the distribution deadline is one week.
Tom raider GOT Edition
Rise of the Comrades: 20 Year Celebration
Shadow of the Tomb Lauder Definitive Edition
In the EPIC Games store, we will continue to carry a holiday sale that is granted a discount coupon for 1,000 yen to all the full version of the full version of over 1,480 yen until 1 am January 7, 2022.
In addition, the action adventure GODS WILL is scheduled to be distributed for free distribution from 1:00 am on January 7, and it seems that free distribution measures will be continued in 2022, and officially announced It can also be seen later.
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